Word On the Street by and for writers from around the world on any subject; theatre, concerts, food, books, cars, fashion, music, politics, movies, sports, et cetera.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
QUERY ON THE STREET... Talking to an acquaintance yesterday. He posed this situation to me: "My wife, a recent immigrant, applied for a California Identification (CID) card. She received an application for a California Driver's License (CDL) and a Voter Registration Application (VRA). (BTW: she never received an application for a CID.) She received those two aforementioned items for which she never applied. I asked, "Did she register to vote?" He replied, "She's an honest person... how could she vote(?)... but if she weren't honest," he continued, "she could register to vote and possibly vote." Millions of California's illegal immigrants (I call them "Willing Workers") can now apply for and receive a CDL and a VRA. My query to you readers... is...
“Hello, Donny!”, by Thomas M. Kelly, Copyright 2016
My scenario of the telephone call Billy made to Trump at the beginning of the political run is true: The dialogue is mine... not so true... but could be...
- Donny: Hello there, Billy!
- Billy: Hello, Donny!
- Donny: Billy, my old buddy... how are you?
- Billy: I'm fine...
- Donny: You’re still my best bud, aren’t you?... sure you are!
- Billy: Donnie, why did you call?
- Donny: I didn’t call .. you called me, Billy... you called me.
- Billy: Must have been a butt dial.... anyway as long as I have you on the phone... Hill and I were talking to Barack, and we were wondering why you're not running for the Republican nomination?
- Donny: I really don't have time Billy, what with all my investments and golfing.
- Billy: You have to be a busy man to keep track of your money and your game. Right?
- Donny: You are so right Billy, but thanks for asking. However... do you really think I should run?
- Billy: Donny, with all your experience on your reality television show and your affinity for the high jinx you would be a popular candidate.
- Donny: You really think so?
- Billy: Yes. When you announce your candidacy the media will be all over you. You are a wealthy man you could run without a super pac. Start by denouncing Barack's policies...
- Donny: ...but I like some of Barack's policies... you know... avoid clashing with Wall Street... big business... this country was founded on capitalism ... big money...
- Billy: I know, I know all too well... you're preaching to the congregation... find another congregation... you're an entertainer now... how do you think a poor comedian like Rush Limbaugh made it so big?
- Donny: I like Rush...
- Billy: Me, too. Regrettably, I don't get to listen to him often... but you're missing the point... He used Rio Linda, California, a so-called hotbed of conservative Republicans to skyrocket his radio career in Sacramento.
- Donny: Do you think I could do the same? I love entertainment television... it's the immediate audience response that propels me... "You're fired!" I love it!
- Billy: Now you've got it. As I say attack Barack and all his gay policies... his female appointees to the Supreme Court... et cetera.
- Donny: I think I can do this. I have the money... the conservative redneck audience...
- Billy: Barack is about to bring into the United States, Syrian immigrants...
- Donny: I not sure I like that Billy. It's a dangerous road. Muslim immigrants will change the pro-Christian institutions... they're terrorists...
- Billy: ....and Barack isn't doing much to stop the Mexicans from crossing the border to take all the jobs...
- Donny:... Yeah... Mexico is sending all the drug dealers, rapists... criminals... all of them.
- Billy: Well, Donny, I have to go... Hillary is on the other line. I really hope you reconsider.
- Donny: I wish I could, but other duties call... talk to you later. Oh, and by the way thanks for coming to my wedding... and the gift... we use it every day.......
- Billy: I forgot what we gave you... What was it?
- Donny: To tell you the truth, Billy... I think it was a gold plated toaster... don’t quote me on that... I’d have to ask Ivanka... I mean... Melania... it’s getting hard to keep them in chronological order... much like yourself..
- Billy: Never divorced... just a few indiscre..
- Donny: ...at least I was able to buy their silence... even the ones I grabbed... heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh... ououououyeee... That was fun... they love it... no matter how much the got outta’ me...
- Billy: Donny... this is not a secure line...
- Donny: Oh, yeah... you government employees aren’t as rich as me... and believe me I’m rich... I have so much money... anyway to get back to the... I think it was this gold plated Dilonghi espresso maker... I have it at my elbow as we speak... which espresso flavor do you like rich cappuccino? I am addicted to the Mocha with a double splash of whipped cream... I have to slow down or get a new tailor... See you on the trail Billy...
Friday, February 26, 2016
NEW! Reality Show: “Who is the Master of Bluster?”
- Cretinoyl: I am your host, Maxwell Cretinoyl. Ladies and gentlemen welcome to our Fourth Republican Reality Show... I mean Debate. Let me begin with a quote from noted political analyst Robert Reich: He states that “(W)hen we think of a debate about public policy, we assume facts, arguments, and logic.” But this is a reality show. We have yet to give it a name ... maybe we’ll throw it out to our audience before we close the show tonight... we’ll see. To continue... Assuming facts, arguments, and logic are not the reality when Our Conservative Republicans contestants tonight are: Mr. Donald Trump who hails from Scotland and ....
- Mr. Trump: No! No! New York!
- Cretinoyl: Mr. Marco Rubio who calls Cuba home... and
- Mr. Rubio: No! Please! No! Florida!
- Cretinoyl: Right. Florida! and Cruz... Sorry Mr. Cruz my cue card has no first name for you...
- Cruz: Ted... It’s Ted and I am a proud Texan.
- Mr. Trump: Via Canada?... we’ll see ....
- Cretinoyl: Mr. Trump is an experienced reality show host and therefore has the lead in the polls, that is if you believe the polls. Tonight Mr. Trump will demonstrate to Mr. Rubio and Mr. Cruz that once again he is the Master of Bluster. That’s it... that’s our new Reality Show title: “Who is the Master of Bluster?”. Who will have most slogans and canned remarks on every subject? Who will repeat them most often and interspersed them with babble and jabber about how wonderful he is. I say he because we have no female contestants tonight. (Aside.) Mr. Trump has eliminated Carly with his vicious attacks on her looks... commenting... “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?!” (Aside.) That, ladies and gentlemen, deserves a nine out of ten rating. (Return.)
- Mr. Kasich: Excuse me...
- Cretinoyl: When questioned about personal things such as tax returns or a civil lawsuits, which one will always deny and attack, deny and attack... successfully. Which one will not be selling public policy, or demonstrate rational arguments, or even rational thought successfully? Who will be selling attitude? Who will convince you that the entire political establishment and members of the mainstream media, like me, are rotten to the core. Who will convince you, America, that you need bullying, domineering, plain-nasty-speaking-to. Will he be a strongman, a man who is a leader who rules by the exercise of threats, force, or violence to put you straight and on the right path to obtain all the things, ... all the stuff you want. Which of the contestants’ tonight will you choose to return to compete in next week’s Super Tuesday Show: “Who are you going to call... Master of Bluster”?
- When we come back after a word from our sponsor, we will begin to take questions from our audience here and from the internet social media.
- Cretinoyl: OK... two words. Sorry ‘bout that ladies and gentlemen... (Aside.) That must have cost you more than 40 million Donald.
- Trump: Yes, but It was worth 140 million... I saved big time. I’m a great business leader.
- Cretinoyl: Okay... to continue .... Our first Query comes from Cheri.... Cheri may we...
- Cheri: (Abruptly interrupting.) I am convinced the people who cheer for Trump do not care what he stands for or what kind of winner he would be. To the demise of the Grand Old Party and our country, those people are intent on winning and nothing more through lie and deceit. His campaign slogan, "Let's Make America Great Again" really means, "Let's set our country back several decades and see if we survive." The only good thing to come out of his winning is that we now know who the racists and bigots are because they’ve come out of the KKK closet to proudly wave their torches in the darkness ....above their hated flag for all to see.
- (In concert.)
- Trump: I’d like to respond to ....
- Rubio: You’re right... Claudia is it?... no ...
- Mr. Cruz: Already with the name calling and Republican bashing...
- Cretinoyl: ... moving on gentlemen... ... let’s keep moving on gentlemen... Okay... to continue .... Our first Query comes from Ann.
- Ann: I think Trump was hired by Bill to expose to the American public how deeply they are into reality shows... this is your Emmy-award-winning show...
- Cretinoyl: ...moving on... next up is... Farrah...
- Trump: ....is that Muslim? I don’t do Muslim...
- Mr. Rubio: There you go again.
- Mr. Trump: What?...
- (Unintelligible speech)
- Mr. Trump: I don’t do Muslim...
- Mr. Rubio: There you go again repeating yourself.
- Farrah: I think all of the front runners in the republican party are scary as hell and why anyone would call them winners is beyond me. Marco is just an adolescent boy trying to talk as fast as he can to prove he's really bright (which I doubt), Teddy wants a theocracy, and Trump, well he is just a bully plain and simple.
- Mr. Cruz: But let me say, Maxwell, I really find it amazing that Donald...
- Mr. Rubio: You paid a 40 million....?
- Mr. Trump: And by the way, Rubio... I don’t do Muslim...
- Mr. Cruz: Hold on, Maxwell. You said I got a response.
- Cretinoyl: You’ll have a chance. We’ll pick up...
- (Unintelligible speech)
- Mr. Cruz: Hold on. He called me a liar. You’re saying I can’t respond to being called a liar?
- (Unintelligible speech)
- Cretinoyl: Go ahead and respond.
- Mr. Cruz: You know, what we’re seeing with Donald is actually the pattern of Washington... the pattern of Washington deal makers, which is they make promises, they break their words, and then when anyone calls them on it, they call you a liar. He said, for example, seven months ago, “I, Donald Trump, was a member of the establishment.” There’s a reason Harry Reid thinks he’s the best Republican up here. There’s a reason Jimmy Carter said he would support Donald Trump over me, because he said Donald Trump is malleable, he has no fixed set of beliefs...
- Mr. Rubio: ... whereas Ted Cruz is malleable.
- Mr. Cruz: And every time anyone points at Donald’s actual record...
- Cretinoyl: Thank you.
- Mr. Cruz: ... what he said on national television, Donald yells “liar”. Let me tell you something ... falsely accusing someone of lying is itself a lie...
- Cretinoyl: Go ahead, Mr. Trump.
- Mr. Cruz: ... and it’s something Donald does daily.
- Cretinoyl: Go ahead, Mr. Trump.
- Mr. Trump: I watched ... I watched...
- Mr. Trump: ... the lobbyists. I watched what this man did to Dr. Ben Carson, who I respect, in Iowa, where he said that Ben Carson is out of the race — he has left Iowa and he’s out of the race. And I thought it was disgraceful.
- And got a lot of votes because of that ... a lot of votes. Took them away from Ben Carson. I watched that. Probably took them away from me, too. But I watched it. I also watched where he did a forum that looked like it came right out of a government agency, and it said on top, “Voter Violation,” and then it graded you...
- ... and it scared the hell out of people, and it said the only way you clear up the violation, essentially, is to go and vote for Ted Cruz. I watched that fraudulent document, and I said it’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen in politics.
- To me, that was even worse than what he did to Ben.
- Cretinoyl: Senator Cruz...
- (Unintelligible speech)
- Mr. Trump: I know politicians — I know politicians, believe it or not, better than you do. And it’s not good.
- Mr. Cruz: I believe it. No, no. I believe you know politicians much better than I do, because for 40 years, you’ve been funding liberal Democratic politicians. And by the way...
- Mr. Trump: I funded you. yeah... I funded him. Can you believe it?
- Mr. Cruz: ... the reason is ... by the way... you’re welcome to have the check back.
- Mr. Trump: I funded this guy. I gave him a check.
- Mr. Cruz: Yeah, you gave me $5,000.
- Mr. Trump: I gave him a check. He never funded me.
- Mr. Cruz: And... and by the way, let’s be clear.
- Mr. Cruz: Donald claims ... Donald claims to care about...
- Mr. Trump: You know why? I didn’t want to, but he sent me his book with his autograph...
- (Unintelligible speech)
- Mr. Cruz: Donald. Donald. Donald. I understand rules are very hard for you. They’re very confusing.
- Mr. Trump: He wrote: "Mr. Trump, you’re doing a great job". I have his book.
- (Unintelligible speech)
- Mr. Trump: Thank you ... thank you for the book. Go ahead.
- Mr. Cruz: Donald, you can get back on your meds now.
- Mr. Trump: This is a lot of fun up here tonight, I have to tell you. Thank ... thank you for the book. I really appreciate...
- Mr. Cruz: Donald ... Donald, relax.
- Mr. Trump: Go ahead. I’m relaxed. You’re the basket case. Go ahead.
- Mr. Cruz: Donald...
- Mr. Trump: Go ahead. Don’t get nervous.
- Mr. Cruz: Son-of-a...
- Mr. Trump: Go ahead.
- Mr. Cruz: I promise you, Donald, there’s nothing about you...
- Mr. Trump: I’ve seen you.
- Mr. Cruz: ... that makes everyone nervous.
- Mr. Trump: You’re losing so badly you ... I want to...
- Mr. Cruz: You know, people are actually watching this at home.
- Mr. Trump: ... I know... but you don’t know what’s happening.
- Cretinoyl: Gentlemen, gentlemen.
- Mr. Cruz: Maxwell, I’m going to ask my time not be deducted when he’s yelling at me.
- Cretinoyl: Gentlemen, you’ve gotta stop this.
- Cretinoyl: The latest debate ... gentlemen, please.
- Mr. Cruz: Hold on, I’m going to get my answer. He doesn’t get to yell the whole time.
- Cretinoyl: I want to move ... I want to move on. These are the rules. I want to move on to the issue of immigration....
- Mr. Kasich: Can somebody please attack me?
- Cretinoyl: I’m sorry Governor.... we seem to have lost you. Governor Kasich, ladies and gentlemen.
- Mr. Kasich: And Mr. Carson....
- Cretinoyl: Welcome back, gentlemen. Let’s go to commercial. We’ll be right back ladies and gentlemen.
- http://kwosdigitalradiowordstreetsmarts.blogspot.com/
Thursday, February 25, 2016
At this very moment, the Republican Party is hoping to convince Americans they aren’t as backwards as some of their policies seem, a Minnesota congressional candidate is literally advocating for America to return to the way it was before the Civil War.
Jason Lewis hates the government. That’s why he’s running for Congress – to kill it from within. He hates the government so much, in fact, that he has written an entire book that explores the idea that banning the owning of slaves represents one of many examples of government tyranny.
In his book, “Power Divided is Power Checked: The Argument for States’ Rights” Lewis also wrote that President Abraham Lincoln “exploited the issue” of slavery, adding the Civil War, or what Lewis called the “War Between the States,” had “more to do with secession” than slavery.
But Lewis takes the argument much further than simply pretending the Civil War was about “states’ rights”. He views laws against owning people as symptomatic of a government run amok. His theory: If (white) people want to own (black) people, then it should be up to them. (Presumably, the would-be slaves have no say in the matter.) In the “bonus commentary” in Lewis’ recently released audiobook, he remarks: In fact, if you really want to be quite frank about it, how does somebody else owning a slave affect me? It doesn’t. If I don’t think it is right, I won’t own one, and people always say ‘well if you don’t want to marry somebody of the same sex, you don’t have to, but why tell somebody else they can’t. Uh, you know if you don’t want to own a slave, don’t. But don’t tell other people they can’t.
At a dinner party hosted by Iris and Kelly. Kelly begins the conversation:
At a dinner party hosted by Iris and Kelly. Kelly begins the conversation:
- Kelly: Have you heard that a Minnesota Republican candidate for congress, Jason Lewis says that owning slaves is a personal choice.
- Edith: How does somebody else owning a slave affect me? It doesn’t.
- Kelly: Have you no empathy? Jason Lewis is not a human being: he has no empathy, no compassion. If he can say that he can own slaves, what does that say about us?
- Iris: I think everyone should be allowed to own male, white, Republican, Christian slaves if they want to.
- Cassy: Today's Repugnant Republicans are really sick! If they prove to rule I want him as a slave... in heavy chains...! Pass the milk of human kindness, please.
- Ed: Sadly, I think Conservative Republican Congressional Candidate Jason Lewis speaks for top tier of the Republican Politicians, who are also racists. Think of Flint, Michigan, a predominately black community governed by an absentee Republican governor. Flint, Michigan equals Republican Family Values.
- Leo: I've stopped thinking how unbelievable Republican wackos are. They have become commonplace, as if there's a competition for highest degree of stupidity and repulsiveness among Republicans. Can we change the subject?
- Carolyn: I think my husband, Leo, is correct... hardly the subject for dinner. However, I will say that this man is an ass with the intelligence of a pea. Today’s Republicans are scary. I am amazed that people are voting for them. They need to be totally ignored.
- Kelly: Most politicians are slaves owned by big corporations, who, according to Justice Roberts in his ‘Citizens United’ opinion, are people. Probably why Lewis sees no harm in this.
- Leo: So now the Republican Party says that "personal choice" overrides everybody's basic right to NOT BE a slave.
- Ed: Is there a Republican out there who is not insane? Or a in reality TV show? Or a clown in a circus? Save America vote for a Democrat!
- Carolyn: Let me remind him that abortion is legal in America. Slavery is not!
- Kelly: If the outlawing of slavery is government overreach according to Lewis, and the owning of slaves is a personal choice, presumably it is also a personal choice to exercise a combination of 1st and 2nd amendment rights to tell the slave owner just what you think of his treatment of his fellow men.....
- Cassy: Give this clown the boot! Hahaha! No one in our country should own slaves! It's desperate economies that allow such talk! Vote for BERNIE! He'll change that! Pass the Boston baked beans? Mmmm... Iris (anti-R) send me your recipe... delicious!
- Ed: That's why the GOP wants to reduce all workers to slave status. Kill unions and reduce the minimum wage to zero, and they pay their own room and board.
- Iris: I think everyone should be allowed to own ignorant small minded republicans as a house pet if they chose. Frankly, I’d have a hard time having to listen to the constant harangue of lies and distortion of President Obama’s successes. This is what is wrong with this country there are still a lot of ignorant bigots who still sit in a plush office with that knowing smirk. Besides I could use some of help in the kitchen. Kelly’s all thumbs out there... on purpose... me thinks.
- Kelly: Actually I’m a pretty fair breakfast cook.
- Iris: That’s because I refuse to cook your breakfast... it’s called (hanging quotes in the air) “your-self-survival”.... you like your fried breakfast. I notice you still haven’t mastered the art of self-help-clean-up though.
- (All laugh.)
- Ed: Michael. We haven’t heard from you yet... been stuffin’ yer face...
- Mike: Well, I’ve been sitting here quietly enjoying your delicious meal, Iris... and considering when I should jump in or even if I should... You shouldn’t be surprised to hear that I'm in Trump’s corner...
- All in concert: ...not surprised....
- ...been wondering why...
- ...you were so quiet...
- Mike pro-R: He won't take money from the special interests...
- Ed: Not yet anyway.
- Mike: All the politicians are bound to their donors....He knows how to get things done... I'm glad the GOP is scared of him... Hillary is as corrupt as they can get... Bernie is offering free stuff that will never happen... The only choice is Trump... He definitely knows how to save money on a political campaign...
- Iris: Yeah... Like Romney did... until he felt the pinch...
- Ed: Trump isn't taking any money? Really? How do you think he gets his projects built? Do you think he spends his own money? He has investors and you don't think there are special favors being negotiated? Come on and if you were informed and educated yourself about Bernie you would know he's not giving away free stuff. He's making those wealthy people that don't pay taxes, start paying their fair share. With minds like yours America will never be great again. Trump doesn't care one bit about you and you ‘murica, he only cares about himself. How do you feel about his expensive clothes being made in Mexico, China and Bangladesh while he whines about how foreign countries are taking all our jobs? He’s another Republican hypocrite!
- Mike: He knows how to hire the best minds around... as a veteran I believe he would listen to our Military leaders and not fire them all like Obama has...
- Leo: I’m a war vet...
- Mike: (Interrupting.) ...which Civil War...
- Leo: Now wait a damn minute... The VA has treated my wounds, seen and unseen... We Marines never want to go to war... but you and your kind ...Trump: “...would bomb the shit out of them...”, Ted Cruz: “We ought to bomb them back to the Stone Age.”... want to send my granddaughter off to some foreign country and as Ted Cruz has said... he would “carpet bomb them into oblivion...” . Decent Christians, they are... would rather indiscriminately bomb civilians... non-combatants ... contrary to Geneva Conventions... leading to collateral damage in geometric numbers ...
- Mike: In any event... I'm waiting on the TRUMP yard signs I bought on the internet...
- Leo: You had better find your own yard... Michael! You, Edith and Caroline are homeless now. Vacate my property within 24 hours.
- Leo: (Standing.... continues ) Carolyn. Iris... I’m sorry, but I’ve lost my appetite.
- Ed: Leo... he’s yer son...
- Mike: But ...my rent is paid until... Our law partnership...?
- Leo: It never happened...
- Mike: But...
- Leo: Sue me!
- Carolyn: Wait! I think I should have something to say about this. Michael Francis...
- All: Uh - oh...
- Ed: (Aside.) Here it comes Michael Francis...
- Carolyn: Your father left me in 1954 to go off to fight a war in a country he knew nothing about... a strange culture with a strange language... a war he didn’t want to be a part of. But his Commander-in-Chief called him and his unit up to fight. I was alone. I didn’t know I was pregnant with you. When he came back to us, you were not yet two years old. He was a total basket case. (Pause.) War rips and tears family’s apart. The VA helped put us back together. Your government, the one you want to dismantle, provided us the means to buy the house you were born in... the one you are living in now, it paid him, as a GI benefit, to go off to Yale to study law. That’s how we were able to send you to Yale, too. I think you owe us an apology. You used your god-given talent and supposed intelligence to side with a political party that is acting as if it is a plutocratic dictatorship.
- Mike: (Standing.) Excuse me, Iris and Kelly. I have packing to do. Thank you for inviting me. Edith... let’s go.
- (Mike and Edith exit. There is an overly long period of silence.)
- Kelly: Sorry, folks.... that did not go well...
- Ed: Who knew?
- Cassy: This is not a surprise. They are all like this... They just learned to keep it hidden... to do more damage. In the Republican Club halls it’s called “Right Wing Terrorism”. They are a far bigger threat to this nation than ISIS. I think we tried to keep it hush hush, that is until Donald Trump came along, now they are all running for office on hatred and bigotry... and the world is watching!
- Carolyn: (Pushing her chair back and standing.) If you don’t mind, Iris, Leo, I think it’s best we go home. Iris, your dinner was delicious. It appears the Republicans destroyed the atmosphere here, too. Although they will never hear... or for that matter admit ...
- (Everyone rises to see the older couple out. They sit in silence.)
- Ed: This is the kind of ignorance that's becoming socially acceptable, thanks to the Republican Party & "Fox Noise"! They offer excuses like "People are just too easily offended nowadays". That is total bull crap!
- Cassy: And to think it all began over a discussion about slavery. I have to wonder what their take would be on white slaves owned by African Americans, Hispanics or Muslims.
- Iris: The only way we will ever go back to the days of slavery will be if the nutty Republicans win the ignorant masses over with their hateful, negative propaganda. Only the slaves won't be black this time, they'll be all colors... all races, ... but they will never be part of the 1% .
- The End.
Monday, February 22, 2016
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